Receiving a beautiful bouquet of fresh flowers is always a delight, whether it’s for a special occasion or simply to brighten up your home. However, without proper care and handling, those stunning blooms can quickly wilt and fade. By following some basic flower care principles, you can significantly extend the lifespan of your cut flowers and ensure they remain vibrant and beautiful for as long as possible.

In this introductory guide, we will cover the essential tips and techniques for keeping your cut flowers looking their best. From selecting the right blooms to providing optimal water, nutrients, and environmental conditions, these fundamental principles will help you to become a pro at flower care.

Some key aspects we’ll discuss in this blog post:
* Choosing healthy, high quality flowers
* Properly preparing stems for maximum water intake
* Using clean vases and fresh water
* Providing the write balance of nutrients with flower food
* Maintaining optimal temperature, humidity, and light conditions
* Regularly trimming stems and removing dead foliage
* Protecting flowers from ethylene gas and other damaging factors

Whether you’re a flower enthusiast, a budding florist, or simply someone who enjoys having fresh blooms around the house, understanding these basic flower care principles is essential. By investing a little time and effort into properly caring for your cut flowers, you’ll be rewarded with long-lasting, more vibrant arrangements that bring joy and beauty to your space.

In this introductory guide to flower care, Part 1, we we will cover SELECTING AND BUYING CUT FLOWERS:

Choosing the right cut flowers is essential for ensuring they stay fresh and beautiful for as long as possible. When buying flowers, look for blooms that are vibrant in colour with firm petals and buds that are just starting to open. Avoid flowers with brown spots, transparent or wilting petals, and discolouration, as these are signs the flowers are past their prime.

Pay close attention to the stems and leaves when selecting your bouquet. Look for:
* Firm, sturdy stems that are green and smooth, not slimy or broken
* Healthy, green leaves that are not yellowing, browning, or wilted
* Stems that are cut evenly with no fraying or discolouration

If buying roses, gently squeeze the point where the petals meet the stems. Fresh roses will feel firm, while older blooms will be soft and spongy. When choosing flower buds, opt for those that are slightly open, as they will continue to bloom in the vase, extending the life of your arrangement.

Consider the seasonality of the flowers you select. Buying blooms that are in season not only ensures the freshest flowers but also often means a lower price point. Talk to your florist about what varieties are currently at their peak.

When possible, purchase your cut flowers from a reputable flower shop or farmers market. This allows you to inspect the blooms in person and select the freshest stems.

Finally, don’t be afraid to ask your florist for recommendations based on your preferences, budget, specific occasion. They have the expertise to guide you towards the best flower choices and can create a custom arrangement that perfectly suits your needs.

As you now have a solid knowledge how to select and buy the best blooms, please stay tuned for Part 2 of our INTRODUCTORY GUIDE IN BASIC FLOWER CARE PRINCIPLES. Here we will cover topics such as preparing flowers for the vase and the role of flower food and preservatives for extending the life of your beautiful bouquet.